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Two seminars were held in November, at each of which Dipl.-Ing. Nikolas Jüngel was one of three speakers.

The two-day seminars ‘Noise protection and noise insulation - basics and practice’ at the Haus der Technik (HDT) in Essen and ‘Reducing mechanical vibrations’ at the Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE) covered the topics of primary and secondary noise protection and structure-borne noise protection. Sub-topics included vibration isolation, tuned mass dampers, damping options and adaptive mass and stiffness changes to machines. The basics were underpinned with real example calculations, such as source and receiver isolation of a hotel on a railway line or the absorbing of vibrations on bridges, high-rise buildings and smokestacks. The participants were shown ways of analysing noisy and vibrating machines using operational mode shape and modal analyses. Solutions were also presented on how noise and vibrations can be minimised within the legally applicable limits.